Why You Should Avoid Influencer Marketplaces

Influencer marketplaces—platforms where brands and influencers can connect—are widely used in the influencer marketing industry. However, they may not always be the best option for every business. Let's dive into some reasons why you might consider alternatives when planning your influencer campaigns.

Limited Personalization and Authenticity

Marketplaces can streamline the process of finding influencers, but they often lack the personal touch that can lead to genuine and impactful collaborations.

  • Influencers from marketplaces may not have the same level of commitment to your brand as those with whom you've built a direct relationship.

Overcrowding and Competition

With the simplicity and accessibility of influencer marketplaces, many brands are vying for attention from the same pool of influencers. This competition can drive up costs and reduce your chances of engaging with top talent.

Standardized Rates, Not Performance-Based

Marketplaces often have set pricing, minimizing your ability to negotiate rates based on specific campaign goals or influencer performance.

  • This can be especially disadvantageous for small or medium-sized businesses with limited budgets.

Potential for Less Engagement

Influencers engaged via marketplaces may work with numerous brands, leading to less passionate promotion due to diluted enthusiasm.

  • Audiences can sense when an influencer’s endorsement isn’t authentic, which can negatively affect engagement rates.

Lack of Exclusivity

Marketplace influencers typically do not offer exclusivity deals, meaning they may promote competing brands simultaneously, which might dilute the effectiveness of your campaign.

Questionable Quality Assurance

The vetting process on marketplaces can be inconsistent. Some influencers may have inflated follower counts or engagement metrics that don't translate to real campaign value.

Less Strategic Alignment

Finding influencers with a brand ethos that matches yours is key to campaign success. Marketplaces can make it challenging to find influencers who deeply align with your brand’s values and long-term vision.

Loss of Control Over Messaging

Influencer marketplaces often facilitate standardized promotional messages that can result in less impactful, cookie-cutter campaigns.

  • This may not align with your unique marketing message or fail to resonate strongly with your target audience.

Dependency on a Middleman

Relying on marketplaces means you’re dependent on a third-party platform, which can lead to problems if the marketplace's policies change or the platform experiences technical issues.

Impersonal Relationships with Influencers

Building long-term relationships with influencers is key to creating brand ambassadors. Marketplaces tend to foster transactional interactions rather than relational ones.

Alternative Routes

Exploring alternatives to marketplaces can lead to more meaningful influencer collaborations:

  • Direct outreach can help build stronger connections with influencers.
  • Recommendations or industry networking can lead to partnerships with a higher degree of trust.
  • Tools like SwipeMagic can offer the capacity to find fresh influencers suited to your brand's specific needs and goals.


While influencer marketplaces offer convenience, they may lack depth and the personalized strategy needed for impactful influencer marketing. Direct contacts, thorough research, and relationship-building outside these platforms can often lead to more authentic, committed, and symbolically aligned influencer engagements.

Consider using alternative methods like personal outreach or specialized tools to find and connect with influencers that align with your brand ethos and can deliver real, tangible results.