How to Promote Music using TikTok Influencers - Full Guide

TikTok continues to dominate the social media landscape as the go-to platform for short, captivating content. Musicians and artists are increasingly turning to this platform to promote their music, and with good reason. In this guide, we'll explore how to leverage smaller nano and micro-influencers to get outsized returns on your promotional spend and effectively promote your music on TikTok, with or without a label.

Why Micro-Influencers?

Smaller nano and micro-influencers, what we will call 'sparky-influencers' in this post, are influencers that are new to the game with a following of between 5,000 to 50,000, they can offer tremendous value for your promotional efforts. These are the sparks that start the flame of viral growth for your song. Not only do they offer higher engagement rates and more loyal followers compared to larger influencers. These sparky-influencers that are just getting started also are more excited to finally start monetising their accounts and so more likely to respond and agree to collaborate, thus making them an ideal choice for promoting your music.

Step 1: Upload Your Music to TikTok

Start by uploading your music to TikTok, ensuring that it's easily accessible for your influencers to use in their content. This will allow you to monitor the use of your music and track the success of your promotional efforts.

Step 2: Identify and Reach Out to Micro-Influencers

Once your music is available on TikTok, it's time to identify the right influencers to work with. Aim for around 10-50 sparky-influencers, keeping in mind that you'll need to reach out to a few hundred or even thousand to find the best ones. Look for influencers with a cost of around $50 per video and that consistently make videos with double the view count than their follower count.

Example Email/DM Message:

Subject: Exciting Collaboration Opportunity for [Influencer's Username]

Hi [Influencer's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I'm a [singer/songwriter/producer] looking for a collaboration with you using [Influencer's Username].

I believe my latest track, [song title], would be a perfect fit for your videos, and I'm excited to propose a partnership.

( if contacting a smaller, less experienced-looking influencer, ask for prices otherwise say: )

I'm offering $50 per video featuring my song, and I'm confident that a collaboration would be a win-win situation, providing you fresh content and helping me promote my music to a wider audience.

If you're interested in working together, please let me know and we can discuss the details further.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Step 3: Balance Probabilities with Multiple Influencers

By working with a larger number of smaller but well-performing influencers, you can balance the probabilities, ensuring that even if some content doesn't perform well, it's offset by those that do better. This strategy minimises risk and maximises the overall impact of your promotional efforts. Think of it like the film Moneyball, you need to find a range of overlooked influencers that can on average bring outsized engagement to your song. You can find these influencers using SwipeMagic.

Step 4: Double Down and Scale

Once you've identified the influencers that generate the best results, continue working with them on a long-term basis, while also repeating the process to identify and onboard new sparky-influencers. This approach allows you to scale up your promotional efforts and enjoy sustained success.


In the ever-evolving world of TikTok, utilising micro-influencers can provide significant advantages for musicians looking to promote their music. By following these steps, you can effectively leverage the power of smaller influencers for outsized returns on your ad spend and amplify the reach of your music on TikTok.